HS 1st Year

A Photograph Class 11 Hs 1st Year Questions Answers in Assamese | A Photograph Important Questions

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A Photograph class 11 Important Questions Answers for HS 1st Year 2023: A photograph is a poem that is none in the main NCERT textbook for class 11 English. A photograph by poet Shirley Tolson. Here you will get the important question answers of A Photograph class 11 for HS 1st year 2023.

HS 1st Year English Question Answer Assamese Medium

1. What does the word “cardboard” denote in the poem? Why has this word been used?
কবিতাটোত “কাৰ্ডবোৰ্ড” শব্দটোৱে কি বুজায়? এই শব্দটো কিয় ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছে?
Answer:- The word “cardboard” means a very stiff and thick paper. Here the cardboard is a part of the frame that keeps the photograph intact. Its use in the poem is ironical. It keeps the photograph of that twelve-year-old girl safe who herself was ‘terribly transient’. She had died years ago.
 “কাৰ্ডবোৰ্ড” শব্দটোৰ অৰ্থ হৈছে এটা অতি কঠিন আৰু ডাঠ কাগজ। ইয়াত কাৰ্ডবোৰ্ডটো ফ্ৰেমৰ এটা অংশ যি ফটোগ্ৰাফখন অক্ষত ৰাখে। কবিতাটোত ইয়াৰ ব্যৱহাৰ বিদ্ৰূপাত্মক। ই সেই বাৰ বছৰীয়া ছোৱালীজনীৰ ফটোখন সুৰক্ষিত ৰাখে যি নিজে ‘ভয়ানক ক্ষণস্থায়ী’ আছিল। তাই বহু বছৰ আগতে মৃত্যুবৰণ কৰিছিল।
2. What has the camera captured?
কেমেৰাটোৱে কি বন্দী কৰিছে?
Answer:- The camera has captured all the three girls alive in it. It has captured the pretty face of the poet’s mother who was a girl of twelve at that time. It has captured the smiling faces of two girl cousins, Betty and Dolly. They were holding the hands of the poet’s mother in their hands.
কেমেৰাটোৱে তিনিওজনী ছোৱালীক ইয়াত জীৱিত অৱস্থাত বন্দী কৰিছে। এইটোৱে কবিৰ মাকৰ সুন্দৰ মুখখন ধৰি ছেদ কৰিছে যি সেই সময়ত বাৰ বছৰীয়া ছোৱালী আছিল। ই বেটি আৰু ডলী নামৰ দুগৰাকী ছোৱালীৰ হাঁহি থকা মুখবোৰ ধৰি ছেদ কৰিছে। তেওঁলোকে কবিৰ মাকৰ হাত হাতত ধৰি আছিল।
3. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you?
 বিগত বছৰবোৰত কি সলনি হোৱা নাই? এইটোৱে আপোনাক কিবা পৰামৰ্শ দিয়ে নেকি?
Answer:- The sea has not changed over the years. It brings out the ‘transient’ nature of man when compared to nature and its objects. Time spares none. The pretty faces and the feet of the three girls are ‘terribly transient’ or mortal when compared to the ageless and the unchangeable sea.
বিগত বছৰবোৰত সাগৰসলনি হোৱা নাই। প্ৰকৃতি আৰু ইয়াৰ বস্তুবোৰৰ তুলনাত ই মানুহৰ ‘ক্ষণস্থায়ী’ প্ৰকৃতি উলিয়াই আনে। সময়ই একো এৰি নিদিয়ে। বয়সহীন আৰু অপৰিৱৰ্তনীয় সাগৰৰ তুলনাত তিনিজনী ছোৱালীৰ ধুনীয়া মুখ আৰু ভৰি ‘ভয়ানক ক্ষণস্থায়ী’ বা নশ্বৰ।
4. The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. What did this laugh indicate?
কবিৰ মাকে স্নেপশ্বটটো দেখি হাঁহিছিল। এই হাঁহিটোৱে কি সূচায়?
Answer:- The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot that was taken years ago. In the photograph she as well as her girl cousins stood at the beach. She laughed at the way all of them were dressed up for the beach. Perhaps they looked funny. She pointed it out to her cousins- Dolly and Betty who were with her in the photograph. The laugh indicated her youthful spirit.
কবিৰ মাতৃয়ে বছৰ আগতে লোৱা স্নেপশ্বটটোত হাঁহিছিল। ফটোখনত তাই আৰু তাইৰ ছোৱালী সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই-ভনীসকল সাগৰৰ পাৰত থিয় হৈছিল। সিহঁত সকলোৱে সাগৰৰ পাৰৰ বাবে পোছাক পিন্ধি থকাৰ ধৰণে তাই হাঁহিছিল। সম্ভৱতঃ তেওঁলোকক ধেমেলীয়া লাগিছিল। তাই ফটোখনত তাইৰ সৈতে থকা তাইৰ সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই-ভনী- ডলী আৰু বেটিক আঙুলিয়াই দিছিল। হাঁহিটোৱে তাইৰ যৌৱনৰ আত্মাক ইংগিত দিছিল।
5. What is the meaning of the line “Both wry with the laboured ease of Loss”?
“লোকচানৰ শ্ৰমপূৰ্ণ সহজতাৰ সৈতে দুয়োটা বিকৃত” শাৰীটোৰ অৰ্থ কি?
Answer:– Both the poet’s mother and the poet suffer a sense of loss. The mother has lost her childlike innocence and joyful spirit that the photograph captured years ago. For the poet the smile of his mother has become a thing of the past. Ironically, both labour to bear this loss with ease.
 কবিৰ মাক আৰু কবি দুয়োজনেই ক্ষতিৰ অনুভূতি ভোগ কৰে। মায়ে তাইৰ শিশুসুলভ নিষ্পাপতা আৰু আনন্দময় আত্মা হেৰুৱাইছে যিটো ফটোখনে বহু বছৰ আগতে বন্দী কৰিছিল। কবিৰ বাবে তেওঁৰ মাতৃৰ হাঁহি অতীতৰ কথা হৈ পৰিছে। বিদ্ৰূপাত্মকভাৱে, দুয়োজনে এই ক্ষতি সহজে বহন কৰিবলৈ শ্ৰম কৰে।
6. What does “this circumstance” refer to?
“এই পৰিস্থিতি”ৰ অৰ্থ কি?
Answer:– “This circumstance” refer to the death of the poet’s mother. The photograph of the dead mother brings sad nostalgic feelings in the poet.  But the poet has nothing to say at all about this circumstance. The silence of the poet  makes the pall of the silence prevailing there still deeper.
“এই পৰিস্থিতি”ৰ অৰ্থ হৈছে কবিৰ মাতৃৰ মৃত্যু। মৃত মাতৃৰ আলোকচিত্ৰই কবিৰ দুখজনক নস্টালজিক অনুভূতি কঢ়িয়াই আনিছে।  কিন্তু এই পৰিস্থিতিৰ বিষয়ে কবিৰ একেবাৰে ক’বলৈ একো নাই। কবিৰ নীৰৱতাই তাত প্ৰচলিত নীৰৱতাৰ পেলটো এতিয়াও গভীৰ কৰি তুলিছে।
7. The three stanzas depict three different phases. What are they?
তিনিটা স্তৱকত তিনিটা পৃথক পৰ্যায় দেখুওৱা হৈছে। সেইবোৰ কি?
Answer:- In the first stanza the poet’s mother is shown  as a twelve year old girl with a pretty and laughing face. There she went paddling with two girl cousins. This phase is before the poet’s birth. The second phase describes the middle aged mother laughing at her own snapshot. The third phase describes the chilling pall of silence that the death of the mother has left in the life of the poet.
প্ৰথম স্তৱকত কবিৰ মাকক এজনী বাৰ বছৰীয়া ছোৱালী হিচাপে দেখুওৱা হৈছে যাৰ মুখখন ধুনীয়া আৰু হাঁহি আছে। তাত তাই দুগৰাকী ছোৱালী সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই-ভনীৰ সৈতে পেডলিং কৰিবলৈ গৈছিল। এই পৰ্যায়টো কবিৰ জন্মৰ আগৰ। দ্বিতীয় পৰ্যায়ত মধ্যবয়সীয়া মাতৃয়ে নিজৰ স্নেপশ্বটত হাঁহি থকাবৰ্ণনা কৰিছে। তৃতীয় পৰ্যায়ত কবিৰ জীৱনত মাতৃৰ মৃত্যুৱে এৰি যোৱা নীৰৱতাৰ শীতল তাৎপৰ্যবৰ্ণনা কৰিছে।
চমু উত্তৰ প্ৰকাৰৰ প্ৰশ্ন
1. What does the cardboard show?
কাৰ্ডবোৰ্ডখনে কি দেখুৱায়?
Answer:- The cardboard shows an old photograph. It shows the poet’s mother standing with two girl cousins-Dolly and Betty. All of them were standing at the beach. They stood smiling at the uncle who was standing at a distance with a camera.
 কাৰ্ডবোৰ্ডখনে এটা পুৰণি আলোকচিত্ৰ দেখুৱাইছে। ইয়াত কবিৰ মাকক দুগৰাকী ছোৱালী সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই-ভনী-ডলী আৰু বেটিৰ সৈতে থিয় হৈ থকা দেখুওৱা হৈছে। তেওঁলোক সকলোৱে সাগৰৰ পাৰত থিয় হৈ আছিল। তেওঁলোকে কেমেৰা লৈ দূৰৈত থিয় হৈ থকা খুৰাকৰ ফালে চাই হাঁহি থিয় হৈছিল।
2. What was the occasion? Why did they go there?
কি উপলক্ষ্য আছিল? তেওঁলোকে তালৈ কিয় গৈছিল?
Answer:- The poet’s mother and the two girl-cousins, Dolly and Betty had gone there for paddling. Actually, they were enjoying a sea holiday. All the three waded through shallow sea water. They were happy and having a good fun. The uncle stood there with a camera and they were smiling at him.
 কবিৰ মাক আৰু ছোৱালী-সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই-ভনী ডলী আৰু বেটি তালৈ পেডলিং কৰিবলৈ গৈছিল। আচলতে, তেওঁলোকে সাগৰীয় বন্ধউপভোগ কৰি আছিল। তিনিওজনে অগভীৰ সাগৰৰ পানীৰ মাজেৰে গৈছিল। তেওঁলোক সুখী আছিল আৰু  অসীম আনন্দ  লাভ কৰিছিল। খুৰাকজনে তাত কেমেৰা লৈ থিয় হৈছিল আৰু তেওঁলোকে তেওঁৰ ফালে চাই হাঁহি আছিল।
3. Describe the three girls standing at the beach?
সাগৰৰ পাৰত থিয় হৈ থকা  ছোৱালী তিনিজনীৰ বৰ্ণনা কৰা।
Answer:- The poet’s mother and her two girl cousins had gone paddling. The big girl, the poet’s mother, was about twelve years or so. That was even before the poet was born. All the three stood still. The sea-water was washing their mortal feet. They were smiling ‘through their hair’ at the uncle. He stood there with a camera.
 কবিৰ মাক আৰু তাইৰ দুগৰাকী ছোৱালী সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই-ভনী পেডলিং কৰিবলৈ গৈছিল। ডাঙৰ ছোৱালীজনী, কবিৰ মাক, প্ৰায় বাৰ বছৰ বা তাতোধিক বছৰৰ আছিল। সেইটো কবিৰ জন্মৰ আগতেই আছিল। তিনিওজন স্থিৰ হৈ আছিল। সাগৰৰ পানীয়ে তেওঁলোকৰ নশ্বৰ ভৰি ধুই আছিল। তেওঁলোকে খুৰাকৰ ফালে ‘চুলিৰ মাজেৰে’ হাঁহি আছিল। তেওঁ কেমেৰা এটা লৈ তাত থিয় হৈছিল।
4. “The sea, which appears to have changed less, washed their terribly transient feet.” How does the poet contrast the girls’ terribly transient feet’ with the sea?
 “সাগৰখন কম পৰিৱৰ্তন হোৱা যেন লাগিছে, তেওঁলোকৰ ভয়ানক ক্ষণস্থায়ী ভৰি ধুইছে।” কবিয়ে ছোৱালীবোৰৰ ভয়ানক ক্ষণস্থায়ী ভৰিক সাগৰৰ সৈতে কেনেকৈ বিপৰীত কৰে?
Answer:- All the girls standing at the beach have ‘terribly transient’ existence. They are mortal and suffer physical changes with the passage of time. The mother’s sweet face and her smile has disappeared after twenty or thirty years. But the vast sea remains unchanged or seems ‘to have changed less’ in their comparison.
 সাগৰৰ পাৰত থিয় হৈ থকা সকলো ছোৱালীৰ ‘ভয়ানক ক্ষণস্থায়ী’ অস্তিত্ব আছে। তেওঁলোক নশ্বৰ আৰু সময়ৰ লগে লগে শাৰীৰিক পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। মাকৰ মিঠা মুখখন আৰু তাইৰ হাঁহি টো বিশ বা ত্ৰিশ বছৰৰ পিছত নাইকিয়া হৈ গৈছে। কিন্তু বিশাল সাগৰখন অপৰিৱৰ্তিত হৈ আছে বা তেওঁলোকৰ তুলনাত ‘কম পৰিৱৰ্তন হোৱা’ যেন লাগিছে। 
5. Why did poet’s mother laugh at the snapshot?
কবিৰ মাকে স্নেপশ্বটটোত কিয় হাঁহিছিল?
Answer:- Time flies on wings. In the photograph, the poet’s mother stood with her two girl cousins at the beach. Of the three, she was the big girl about twelve or so. All the three were dressed up for the beach. Perhaps they looked quite funny in those clothes. She couldn’t help laughing the moment she looked at the snapshot. She reminded her cousins Betty and Dolly how funny they looked in those clothes.
 সময় ডানাত উৰি যায়। ফটোখনত, কবিৰ মাক তাইৰ দুই ছোৱালী সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই-ভনীৰ সৈতে সাগৰৰ পাৰত থিয় হৈছিল। তিনিজনৰ ভিতৰত, তাই প্ৰায় বাৰ বা ততোধিক ডাঙৰ ছোৱালী আছিল। তিনিওজনে সাগৰৰ পাৰলৈ পোছাক পিন্ধিছিল। সম্ভৱতঃ সেই কাপোৰবোৰত তেওঁলোকক যথেষ্ট ধেমেলীয়া লাগিছিল। স্নেপশ্বটটো চোৱাৰ লগে লগে তাই হাঁহিব নোৱাৰিলে। তাই তাইৰ সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই বেটি আৰু ডলীক মনত পেলাই দিছিল যে সেই কাপোৰবোৰত তেওঁলোকক কিমান ধেমেলীয়া লাগিছিল।
6. Explain ‘The sea holiday was her past, mine is her laughter’.
‘সাগৰৰ বন্ধটো তাইৰ অতীত আছিল, মোৰ তাইৰ হাঁহি’ বুজাওক।
Answer:- Time spares none. Gone are the childhood days of the poet’s mother. “The sea holiday’ became ‘her past’. The photograph flashes back to the scene that was captured about thirty years ago. Gone is the carefree laughter of the sweet girl who was just twelve or so at that time. For the poet the laughter of the mother has also become a thing of the past.
 সময়ই একো এৰি নিদিয়ে। কবিৰ মাকৰ শৈশৱৰ দিনবোৰ গ’ল। “সাগৰীয় বন্ধ’ ‘তাইৰ অতীত’ হৈ পৰিছিল। আলোকচিত্ৰখন প্ৰায় ত্ৰিশ বছৰ আগতে বন্দী কৰা দৃশ্যটোলৈ উভতি আহিছিল। সেই সময়ত মাত্ৰ বাৰ বছৰ বা তাতোধিক বয়সৰ মিঠা ছোৱালীজনীৰ নিশ্চিন্ত হাঁহি টো গ’ল। কবিৰ বাবে মাকৰ হাঁহিও অতীতৰ কথা হৈ পৰিছে
7. ‘Both wry with the laboured ease of loss’ What is the loss? Describe the ironical situation?
‘ক্ষতিৰ শ্ৰমিক সহজতাৰ সৈতে দুয়োটাই বেয়া’ লোকচান কি? বিদ্ৰূপাত্মক পৰিস্থিতি বৰ্ণনা কৰক?
Answer:- Actually both of them suffer a sense of loss. The mother loses her carefree childhood. She can’t have those moments of enjoyment again that she once experienced at the beach. She can’t be a sweet smiling girl of twelve again. This is also the poet’s loss. Perhaps she will never see that smiling face and experience her laughter again in life. The irony of the situation is that both of them struggle to bear the loss with tolerable ease.
 প্ৰকৃততে তেওঁলোক দুয়োজন হেৰুওৱাৰ অনুভূতিত ভুগিছে। মাতৃয়ে তাইৰ নিশ্চিন্ত শৈশৱ হেৰুৱায়। তাই আকৌ সেই উপভোগৰ মুহূৰ্তবোৰ পাব নোৱাৰে যিটো তাই এবাৰ সাগৰৰ পাৰত অনুভৱ কৰিছিল। তাই আকৌ বাৰ বছৰীয়া মিঠা হাঁহি থকা ছোৱালী হ’ব নোৱাৰে। এয়াও কবিৰ ক্ষতি। সম্ভৱতঃ তাই কেতিয়াও সেই হাঁহি থকা মুখখন নেদেখিব আৰু জীৱনত তাইৰ হাঁহিৰ অভিজ্ঞতা পুনৰ অনুভৱ কৰিব। পৰিস্থিতিটোৰ বিড়ম্বনা হ’ল যে তেওঁলোক দুয়োজনে সহনীয় সহজতাৰে লোকচান বহন কৰিবলৈ সংগ্ৰাম কৰে।
8. How did the poet’s mother die? What has he to say about this circumstance?
কবিৰ মাকৰ মৃত্যু কেনেকৈ হ’ল? এই পৰিস্থিতিৰ বিষয়ে তেওঁ কি ক’ব?
Answer:- The poet’s mother has been dead years ago. She has been dead nearly as many years as she lived. The poet has nothing to say about this incident. He maintains silence. And silence leads to a deeper pall of silence and mystery.
 কবিৰ মাক বহু বছৰ আগতে মৃত হৈ আছে। তাই জীয়াই থকাৰ দৰে প্ৰায় বহু বছৰ ধৰি মৃত হৈ আছে। এই ঘটনাসন্দৰ্ভত কবিৰ ক’বলৈ একো নাই। তেওঁ নীৰৱতা বজাই ৰাখে। আৰু নীৰৱতাই নীৰৱতা আৰু ৰহস্যৰ গভীৰতালৈ লৈ যায়।

A Photograph class 11 Important Questions Answers for HS 1st Year 2023

A Photograph HS 1st Year Important Questions Answers 

1. The cardboard shows me how it was

When the two girl cousins went paddling, 

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Each one holding one of my mother’s hands. 

And she the big girl – some twelve years or so. 

All three stood still to smile through their hair

At the uncle with the camera.   (H.S. 13)

a. The photograph shows :

(i) The poet and his mother.

(ii) The poet and his cousin.

(iii) The poet’s mother and her cousins.

(iv) The poet’s mother and her friends.

Ans: The poet’s mother and her cousins.

b. Paddling in the second line means :

(i) Walking in shallow water with no shoes or socks.

(ii) Paddling a boat.

(iii) Paddling a bike.

(iv) Swimming up and down.

Ans: Walking in shallow water with no shoes or socks.

c. The big girl described in the fourth line was :

(i) The poet’s grandmother.

(ii) The eldest sister of poet’s mother.

(iii) The poet’s mother.

(iv) The eldest cousin of the poet.

Ans: The poet’s mother.

d. All three stood still :

(i) In a ship.

(ii) On the ground.

(iii) On a hill.

(iv) At the sea beach.

Ans: At the sea beach.

e. The names of the two cousins standing with the mother were :

(i) Susan and Sarin.

(ii) Enna and Anna.

(iii) Betty and Dolly.

(iv) Mack and Jack.

Ans: Betty and Dolly.

f. Pick out the correct option of the opposite of the word shows from the alternative given below : 

(i) Reveals

(ii) Displays

(iii) Hides

(iv) Avoids

Ans: Hides.

2. Some twenty – thirty – years later

She’s laugh at the snapshot, “see Betty 

And Dolly”, she’d say, ” and look how they

Dressed us for the beach. The sea holiday

Was her past, mine is her laughter, Both wry

With the laboured easy of loss. H.S. 2014

a. The word ‘she’ in the second line stands for :

(i) Poet’s mother.

(ii) Poet’s aunt.

(iii) Poet’s cousin.

(iv) The poet.

Ans: Poet’s mother.

b. Betty and Dolly are :

(i) Poet’s cousins.

(ii) Poet’s sisters.

(iii) Cousins of the poet’s mother.

(iv) Neighbour.

Ans: Cousins of the poet’s mother.

c. Betty and Dolly were standing with :

(i) The poet.

(ii) Poet’s mother.

(iii) Their uncle.

(iv) Their friends.

Ans: Poet’s mother.

d. The three girls were enjoying : 

(i) A holiday at a hill station.

(ii) A holiday at a river.

(iii) A sea holiday.

(iv) Swimming.

Ans: A sea holiday.

e. Compared to the sea, poet’s mother and her cousins were :

(i) Very small.

(ii) Very weak.

(iii) Terribly insignificant.

(iv) Terribly transient.

Ans: Terribly transient.

3. The cardboard shows me how it was

     When the two girl cousins went paddling, 

     Each one holding one of my mother’s hands. 

     And she the big girl – some twelve years or so. (H.S. 15,17) 

(i) What does the cardboard show the poet ? 1

Ans: The cardboard show the poet the picture of her mother when she went to beach with her cousins.

(ii) How did the two girls go to the sea beach ? 1

Ans: The two girls went to the sea beach by holding poet’s mother’s hand.

(iii) Why did the two girl cousins hold one of the poet’s mother’s hand ? How old was the poet’s mother ? 1 + 1 = 2

Ans: They hold poet’s mother’s hand as she was the bigger than them, At that time she was 12 years or so.

(iv) Who clicked the three girls in the cardboard ? 1

Ans: Their uncle clicked the three girls in the cardboard.

4. The cardboard shows me how it was

     When the two girl cousins went paddling, 

     Each one holding one of my mother’s hands. 

     And she the big girl – some twelve years or so. 

     All three stood still to smile through their hair

     At the uncle with the camera.   (H.S. 19) 

(i) What does the cardboard show the poet ? 1

Ans: The cardboard show the poet the picture of her mother when she went to beach with her cousins.

(ii) Who was ‘the big girl’ ?

Ans: The big girl was the poet’s mother.

(iii) How old was the poet’s mother when the photograph was clicked ? 1

Ans: When the photograph was clicked poet’s mother was 12 years old.

(iv) Who clicked the photograph ? 1

Ans: Their uncle clicked the photograph.

A Photograph HS 1st Year Important Questions Answers  AHSEC 2023

Q1. What has the camera captured in the poem A Photograph ? H.S. 2012

Ans: The camera has captured some happy moments from the childhood of the poet’s mother. It was a picture taken from a beach where she had gone with her cousins and her uncle for a sea holiday. The girls were paddling in the water.

Q2. Why would the poet’s mother laugh at the snapshot ? H.S. 15, 16

Ans: The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot while recalling a moment of her childhood captured in the photograph. She looks back at her childhood days with nostalgia and recollects her joys and memories.

Q3. Whose transient feet is the poet talking about ? Why are they transient ? H.S. 16

Ans: The poet is referring to the feet of her mother as seen in the photograph. They are transient because her mother is not alive anymore. Here transient means something that is not permanent.

This phrase draws a contrast between the length of human life and that of the sea.

Q4.The poet’s mother would have laughed at the snapshot. What did this laughter indicate ? 


The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. What did this laugh indicate ? H.S. 17

Ans: The poet’s mother would have laughed at the photograph because she saw how strangely and how out of fashionably they had been dressed up for the holiday trip on the beach.

Q5. The three stanzas of the poem ‘A Photograph’ depict three different phases. What are they ? H.S. 18

Ans: The three stanzas depict three different phases of life. The first stanza refers to the childhood of the poet’s mother. The second stanza refers to the adulthood of the poet’s mother. The last stanza refers to the last phase of life – the death of the poet’s mother.

Q6. Briefly evaluate the poet’s attitude towards life as seen in the last stanza of the poem A Photograph. H.S. 19

Ans: A photograph is a poem with three stanzas. In first stanza, the poet sees an old photograph of his mother with two of her sisters and at that time poet was not born. in second stanza -the poet is grown up and his mother laughs at her own photograph. in third stanza -the poet’s mother is died and the poet misses his mother very much.

Q7. How did the poet’s mother laugh at the snapshot ? What did this laugh indicate ? H.S. 22

Ans: The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot while recalling a moment of her childhood captured in the photograph. She looks back at her childhood days with nostalgia and recollects her joys and memories. This laugh indicates her remembering her past. She looked back to her childhood with nostalgia and remembered the innocent joys of her childhood days.

Q8. How did the poet’s mother look at the time of taking the photograph ? H.S. 22

Ans: The poet’s mother was in middle age when she looked at that photograph and used to laugh remembering those golden days of her childhood, enjoying a sea holiday. She would also laugh at the beach dresses which looked weird after many years.


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