|English| English 2019|HS 1st YEAR|QUESTION PAPER|

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Full Marks: 100

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Pass Marks : 30

Time : Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


No. 1 Section A (Reading Skill) 10

Nos. 2, 3 & 4 Section B (Advanced Writing Skills) 25

Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Section C (Grammar) 20

Nos. 10, Il, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 Section D (Text books) 45

Total = 100



(Reading Skill: 10 Marks)

1. Read the following passage carefully

        It is a disturbing fact that today many different kinds of wild animals throughout the world are in danger of extinction. The reasons for this are many and varied, but we must largely blame pollution, pesticides, the disturbance of the animals’ natural environment and man’s greed and thoughtlessness.

        Industry has grown enormously, and it has become common practice for factories to dispose of waste matter in streams and rivers, causing great loss of river life. Modern agricultural methods include the use of pesticides which effectively control insects classified as pests, but which also destroy many that are not. An increase in population has meant more building and with it the destruction of much of the countryside that provides habitat for wild animals. To satisfy man’s selfish desires the polar bear in North America is under threat, hunted by sportsmen; in Borneo and Sumatra the orang-utan has become part of a smuggling racket; in South America the chinchilla is almost extinct because its fur is in demand; whales are massacred world-wide for the oil and the food they yield. These are only a few of the species under threat.

       But the problem is receiving world-wide recognition, and some action is being taken. To name a few examples — sewage pollution in the river Thames has been greatly reduced; a ban on trading in some furs has been agreed; and organizations like Friends of the Earth do valuable work in this deserving cause.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions

(a) Cite the reasons as to why some species of wild animals are on the verge of extinction. 2

(b) What has brought about the destruction of much of the countryside? 1

(c) Why are the polar bear and the whales under threat? 2

(d) Which animal is hunted for its fur? 1

(e) Mention the ways in which wild life is currently helped. 2

(f) Give the adjective form of ‘habitat’. 1

(g) Find a word in the passage which means ‘a great slaughter’. 1


(Advanced Writing Skills: 25 Marks)

2.  Water is precious and each one of us must stop its wastage. Prepare a poster in not more than 50 words urging people to employ various methods of rain-water harvesting in their own locality.5


Write a classified advertisement for the ‘Lost and Found’ column of a local newspaper stating the loss of your cell phone while travelling in the local bus. You are Anwesha / Abhilash. (Word Limit : 50 words) 5

3.  Your school has recently celebrated “Tree Plantation Week” organizing a number of inter-school competitions highlighting the ecological balance. As the Secretary of the Eco-Club of your school, prepare a report in 100-125 words, suitable to be published in your school magazine. You are Nilim/Nilima.10


Your District Administration has celebrated Silpi Divas at the District Library auditorium recently. Prepare a report on it in 100-125 words to be published in “The Assam Tribune’. 10

4. You are Asha / Amit. You have seen an advertisement for the post of a Sales Executive in a reputed company. Write an application, along with your detailed resume, to the Regional Director of the company in response to the advertisement applying for the post.10


You are Aruna / Arun living in Amolapatty, Sivasagar. Write a letter to the Editor of “The Sentinel” drawing the attention of the concerned authority to the poor condition of water supply in your locality. 10


(Grammar: 20 Marks)

5. Change the form of the narration in the following sentences:2×2=4

(a) Reena said to the boy, “What’s the matter? Why are you crying? Be cheerful.

(b)The customer inquired if he could get a garden-roller in that shop. The assistant respectfully replied that he would get it in the hardware department.

6. Change the voice of any three of the following sentences.3×1=3

(a) Drive the car slowly.

(b) I am writing a letter now.

(c) We should not encourage indiscipline.

(d) Who wrote the Ramayana?

(e) Promises should be kept.

(f) He will be forgotten in a few years.

7. Rewrite any five of the following sentences using the verbs given in brackets in their correct tense forms.5×1=5

(a) I met him while (go) to his office.

(b) They (live) in this place since 1970.

(c) The train (leave) before I reached the station.

(d) I wish I (be) a bird!

(e) Your letter (reach) me yesterday.

(f) He (make) a doll now. 

8. Rewrite any four of the following sentences filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:4×1=4

(a) What is the time ____ your watch now?

(b) The students of this college have free access _____ the Principal.

(c) You should take proper care ____ your books.

(d) A sage has no desire ____ material wealth.

(e) India is rich ____ minerals.

(f) He is very particular ____ his health.

(g) I did that without any malice_____ you.

9. Rewrite any four of the sentences as directed.4×1=4

(a) Your hair is very lovely. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(b) The Bhupen Hazarika Xetu at Dhola Sadiya is the longest bridge in India. (Change it into positive degree)

(c) I tried every plan. (Make it negative without changing the meaning)

(d) He wants me to help him. (Make it a complex sentence)

(e) The enemy fled as soon as they saw us. (Make it a compound sentence)

(f) A stone that is rolling gathers no moss. (Make it a simple sentence)


(Text books: 45 Marks)

10. Read one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

(a) “Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing

A flowery band to bind us to the earth,

Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth

Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,

Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways

Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,

Some shape of beauty moves away the pall

From our dark spirits.”

Questions :

(i) What do we do everyday? 1

(ii) What removes the pall from the dark spirits? 1

(iii) What is the message expressed in these lines? 2 


(b) “Driving from parent’s

home to Cochin last Friday

morning, I saw my mother,

beside me,

doze, open mouthed, her face

ashen like that of a corpse…”


(i) Where was the speaker driving to? 1

(ii) What did she notice when her mother sat beside her? 1

(iii) Find two words from the passage that mean ‘sleep lightly’ and ‘dead body’. 1

(iv) Why was her mother’s face like that of a corpse? 1

13. Answer any five in 30-40 words.5×2=10

(a) What words did M. Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class? What did they mean?

(b) What would Franz love to do on that sunny morning instead of going to school?

(c)What is the actual name of Saheb? What does it signify?

(d) How was a solution to the problem of indigo sharecroppers of Champaran found?

(e) Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny?

(f) Give a brief description of the Peacock Island.

(g) What is a marboat and how is it operated?

14. Answer any one of the following questions in 80-100 words:1×5=5

(a) Describe the character of Sophie’s father and the role played by him in the story “Going Places


(b) Describe the exploitation of the indigo sharecroppers by the English landlords. How did Gandhi help them to get an honourable settlement?

15. Answer any one of the following questions in 125-150 words:1×7=7

(a) Write a character-sketch of Dr. Sadao Hoki as depicted in “The Enemy”.


(b) “Though both Mr. Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical disability, their attitude to life is different.’  Justify the relevance of this statement with reference to the story “On the Face of it”.

16. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words:4×2=8

(a) What did the Maharaja decide to do when he remembered the astrologer’s prediction?

(b) Who was Hana? What did she notice coming out of the mist?

(c) How did Derry get his face burnt?

(d) Why was Zitkala Sa in tears on the first day in the land of apples?

(e) What is the meaning of ‘Domahi’? What do people usually have for lunch on that day ?

(f) How is the delicacy ‘Sunga-pitha’ prepared?

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