Recruitment Title: Maruti Suzuki Dealership Recruitment 2017 in Guwahati for various posts
Interview Mode: Walk-in-interview
Interview Date: 6th, & 7th March 2017
Maruti Suzuki Dealership Recruitment 2017 in Guwahati invited for POC DSE, True Value Evaluator and EDP Operator.
Vacancy Details:
Name and No. of post:
1. POC DSE: 10 posts
2. True Value Evaluator: 05 psts
3. EDP Operator: 01 post
Minimum Qualification: H.S or Equiva;ent with ITI, Exaperience in Automobile Sales preferred. Two wheeler with driving licence is a must
Walk-in-interview Date: 6th, & 7th March 2017 (11 am to 4 pm)
Poddar Car World
Opposite Farm Gate, Khanapara
Mobile: 9085009834
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