HSLC (Class X) examination 2018 online application form will be started from 06th November’ 2017 to 22th December’ 2017 in Secondary Education Assam (SEBA) official website www.sebaonline.org.
Government of Assam, Secondary Education departent vide letter No. PMA(S).184/2016/9 date 03/11/2016 to exempt the fes payable to the Board of Secondary Education, Assam for appearing in the HSLC/AHM Examination from the Government/ Provincialised/ Recognised Venture Schools for the students whose Annual Income of their parents take together from all sourses is below or Rs. 1,00000 Lac (Rupees One Lac) only, it is notified for information of all the Heads of Institutions of the above categories of schools that no examination fees will be realized from the students of Government/ Provincialised/ Recognised Venture Schools during the time of filling-in online forms for appearing in the HSLC/AHM Exainaton, 2018. The Examination shall not include the fees charged by the examination centres for running the examination.
The certificate of the eligible students whose Annual Income of their parents dose not exceed Rs. 1.00 Lac will be given by the Head of the Institution/ any teacher of the Institution where the students is studying.
Assam Direct Recruitment Guide Book PDF Assamese Medium: Click Here English Medium: Click Here |
Candidates online apply for examination given below link…
Click Here for Apply Online
Instruction for filling in form through Online to appear in the HSLC/AHM Examination 2017