Tea Tribes Welfare, Assam GNM training Shortlist 2019: Director, Tea Tribes Welfare, Assam has announce GNM training Candidates Shortlist. The following candidates who have applied for GNM training vide this office advertisement No. DTGW/DEV/16/2017/102-A, dated Guwahati the 19th December, 2018 have been shortlisted by the Screening Committee on basis of their district wise merit and overall merit are hereby directed to appear before the Screening Committee for verification of their original documents at the premises of Principal, Family Welfare Training centre, Sixmile, Guwahati from 9.00 AM on 14-02-2019.
On the basis of their successful verification by the Screening Committee, they shall have to attend ceremonial distribution of their GNM training letters at Sarusajai Sports Complex on 15th February, 2019. Failure to attend during physical verification of documents by the candidates may lead to cancellation of their candidature.
District wise Candidates Shortlist Given below link
Download Candidates Shortlist: Click Here