Written examination for the
following posts (contractual) under Assam State Urban Livelihoods Mission
Society will be held on the dates as shown below:-
1 . Date of Written Test: 30-01-2016
Name of the Post: State Project Manager for HR &,
Administration/ Shelter & Social Institution/ Social, Mobilization, IB
&, CB/ Skills & Livelihoods/ Financial Inclusion & Micro
Enterprises/ MIS & ME.
Administration/ Shelter & Social Institution/ Social, Mobilization, IB
&, CB/ Skills & Livelihoods/ Financial Inclusion & Micro
Enterprises/ MIS & ME.
2 . Date of Written Test: 31-01-2016
Name of the Post:
Accounts Manager/MIS Executive
Accounts Manager/MIS Executive
3 . Date of Written Test: 01-02-2016
Name of the Post:
Manager for City Mission Management Unit Social Development &
Infrastructure/ Skills & Livelihoods/ Financial Inclusion & Micro
Enterprises/ Skills & Micro
Enterprises/ MIS & ME.
Manager for City Mission Management Unit Social Development &
Infrastructure/ Skills & Livelihoods/ Financial Inclusion & Micro
Enterprises/ Skills & Micro
Enterprises/ MIS & ME.
The list of shortlisted candidates for the post of SI. No. 1
& 2 may be seen at www.nulmassam.in
on 28-01-2016. The Admit Card is to be downloaded from the said website on and from
28th January, 2016.
& 2 may be seen at www.nulmassam.in
on 28-01-2016. The Admit Card is to be downloaded from the said website on and from
28th January, 2016.
The list of shortlisted candidates for the post of SI. No. 3
may be seen at www.nulmassam.in
29-01-2016. The Admit Card is to be downloaded from the said website on and
from 29th January, 2016
may be seen at www.nulmassam.in
29-01-2016. The Admit Card is to be downloaded from the said website on and
from 29th January, 2016
The shortlisted candidates are requested to report in the venue
as shown in the Admit Card 15 minutes ahead of scheduled time as indicated in
the Admit Card.
as shown in the Admit Card 15 minutes ahead of scheduled time as indicated in
the Admit Card.