Deputy Commissioner Dhubri Recruitment 2017- Junior Account Assistant & Grade-IV (Peon) posts: Applications are invited from the intending candidate for filling up the following Sanctioned vacant post are in the office of the Treasury office, Dhubri Treasury Establishment The application must be submitted in the standard form of application must be published in the Assam Gazette in Part-IX along with the supporting document of Educational Qualification and other testimonials etc.
Apply Mode: Offline
Last Date: 16th Sept, 2017
Vacancy Details
1. Junior Account Assistant
No. of post: 08 posts (SC-1, OBC/MOBC-1, PWD-1, UR-5)
Educational Qualification:
a) Candidate shall be a graduate from University or to be deemed University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act-1956.
(b) One year Diploma in Computer Application from Govt. Registered Institution.
Scale of Pay: Rs. 14000-49000/- Plus GP-7400/-
2. Grade-IV (Peon)
No. of post: 01 post (UR)
Educational Qualification: Minimum Qualification shall be read up to Class-VIII.
Scale of Pay: Rs. 12000-37500/- Plus GP-3900/-
Age limit: Age Minimum 18(eighteen) years and Maximum 38(Thirty eight) years for General Candidate and 5 Years relaxation for SC, ST(P) and ST(H) Candidate as on 01/01/2017 Age proof of supporting documents must be submitted along with the application.
How to apply:
1. Candidate must be an Indian citizen as defined in Articles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India
2. Caste/Tribe Certificate issued by the Competent Authority must be accompanied with the application.
3. Age Minimum 18(eighteen) years and Maximum 38(Thirty eight) years for General Candidate and 5 Years relaxation for SC, ST(P) and ST(H) Candidate as on 01/01/2017 Age proof of supporting documents must be submitted along with the application.
4. Candidate already in Service should apply through proper Channel.
5. Candidate for the post of Jr. Acct. Asstt. will have to appear in written examination comprising General English, General Mathematics and General Knowledge of 100 marks each subject. Qualifying candidates will have to appear in computer test.
6. Candidate for the post of Grade- IV (peon) will have to appear in oral interview,
7. The selected Candidate will have to submit an undertaking to appointing authority that they will abide by the New pension scheme rule of the Govt. vide Finance Deptt. letter NO-BW/3/03/Pt-I/1 dtd. 25/01/2005,
8. Application must be accompanied with the following
(a) Self-attested copies of certificate/ diploma etc in support of the Educational qualification must be accompanied with the application
(b) 3 (Three) copies of recent passport size photograph duty self attested must be enclosed with the application. The name of the candidates must be written on the reverse of Photograph.
(c) 1 (one) self addressed envelope of 5cm X 11cm size affixing postal stamp of Rs. 10/- must be enclosed.
(d) Name of the post applied for must be written on the top of the envelope
(e) Calling letters will be dispatched by post.
(f) Copy of Physical Disability Certificate, wherever applicable issued by the competent authority.
(g) Copy of employment Exchange registration card must be accompanied with the application.
(h) Incomplete /defective/Invalid application will be summarily rejected and no application will be entertained after the schedule date and time.
(i) The appointment shall be made after keeping the consideration of reservation of vacancies for SC,ST(P), ST(H) , PWD and women as per Govt. guideline.
(j) Complete application must be submitted to:
The Assistant Director, District Employment Exchange, Dhubri, PO & Dist. Dhubri. Assam Pin-783301
(k) Mobile number of the Candidate must be written on the top of the application form
(l) Canvasing directly or indirectly shall Disqualify a Candidate.
(m) No TA/DA will be admissible.
Important Date
The Last date for submission of application: 16th Sept, 2017 upto 5.00pm.
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